The most prestigious level of poop. The kind of number Two that causes you to read the whole dictionary on the toilet. Glorious. Outstanding. Enlightenment.
I'm going to take a dump-swag.
Is that dump-swag my professors work?
Someone who is arguably the pinnacle of swag.
"You know James Cage White? He is a total swag warrior."
Engineering Scientific Wild-Ass Guess
Your boss asks "How do you justify these numbers?" You: "E-SWAG."
When a guy has a smooth tone of voice and he be tellin you, you are beautiful or giving you a compliment.
“Kenny has such sexy voice swag!”
when u feel very swag but also slightly bean. very good feeling but mildly.
-will you be my quarantine? **pronounced like valentine**
-of course
-oh swag beans
To steal another person's style/ character
Hey u swag-jacked me!!
A little wittle cutie wootie with buck teeth that look like a bunny's and overstyled hair. he thinks he has swag but he actually doesnt, still cute doe :)
Zack McGrath (leader of the swag bunny clan) thinks he's sick at puck