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Nugget is a nessa barrett fanpages
Who edit nessa and Jaden

And people sending them death

Treats and hate comments

In their videos but they wouldn’t

Stop posting cuz they didn’t

Care about the hate comments

And they care about the good

Comments they get

I love nuggets so damn much💗

by Alkhateraldanaabdulla@gmail.co October 3, 2021


A person who screams for help and never recieves it solely for participating in the art of kinning.

Animal: HELP!
Invs: I can't.
Animal: Why not?
Invs: Because you're a nugget.

by invose November 28, 2021


Someone with no arms or legs

"Did you hear about John's accident, he's a nugget now"

by NuggetMan2046 March 17, 2022


An underdeveloped (typically young) male who is clumsy, unconfident, unassertive, and struggles to carry out everyday tasks. He covers up his insecurities by trying to please other people at all costs and is afraid of confrontation, even when he says he's not. A nugget may also be described as a wimp, nice guy, simp, virgin, etc.

That guy just splattered ketchup all over his shirt. What a nugget!

by MrFixYourSpeakers April 30, 2022


A florida slag for saying someone is a “jit” or smaller that you

whats up nugget means like whats up youngin

by SolanaMulan June 21, 2024


In the UK, in particular in the 90's, a Nugget was a term used amongst Heavy Metal fans to describe a fellow Metal fan who is only a fan supercially at surface level. They would often not grow their hair long and would try too hard to wear the fashion. Their musical taste would reach only as far as the most popular bands and would typically favour the bands biggest hits, and don't make efforts to seek out lesser known bands. They would usually wear Metal fashion but in the wrong combination, or clothing articles that had already fallen out of fashion, such as studded belts. They were the antithesis of a 'cool Metaller'.

Dave man?...he only listens to Metallica because they're popular....and the only band he's heard of...and that bullet belt he wears looks rediculous! What a Nugget!

by Genlec December 5, 2024


A Nugget is a fat black guy who says booty cheeks a lot

"DAMN shawty is double cheeked up, what that booty do girl?"

"Bro stop being such a nugget."

by Corndogz October 19, 2023