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Finley Food Hogger

that one fat ass that you knew from your school, you know that kind that would cause earth quakes where ever he walked. in my case that was finley jay evans. a finley food hogger litteraly clears out the entire lunch hall and you god damn know that his parents are poor as fuck just from the cost of food

Wow did you see that he just ate all of the food!
Yeah he's a Finley Food Hogger

by Finley Hate Group January 22, 2024

Captain Save-Some-Food

When your parents,siblings,or roommate etc are afraid your gonna eat all the food you've gotten recently,so they either hide it,or tell your parents so your sibling is the one to "ration" it out "evenly",but they end up eating more than you do sometimes eating the whole bag of chips ,pizza,ice-cream etc in the process.

This is crazy bruh every time i wake up to eat all the food is gone but when there is,or when mother brings food home you guys wanna be Captain save-some-food an tell me " No",because your afraid i'm going to eat it all but,in reality you guys eat it all up from me and that leaves me hungry.

by SaladAss-_-7 July 15, 2021

Food Stickler

Someone who monitors/watches the amount of food you eat .

Liz: *buys pizza and wings for friends* "We can at least get 3 slices"

Peter: *Eats 4 slices of pizza*
Cameron: *Watches friends eat* "Liz said 3 slices of pizza"
Peter: *Laughs* "Liz says, a lot of things"
Cameron: *fights over pizza*
Liz: "Why are you guys fighting for pizza, when we have 50 wings to eat" *gives Cameron the food stickler her slice of pizza*

by chickenp September 16, 2017

food lag

Like the jet lag but speaking of food, when your food time habits are delayed compared to your social environment.

-Dude, are you dinning right now? It's like 2:00 AM !
-Yes I know, stuck in food lag...

by satch_mo February 27, 2017

food lag

Food lag is a physiological and emotional condition which results from the sudden change or withdrawal of good food devoured by the body resulting in ultimate sadness

- Damn I miss the food in (insert country last visited), now stuck in food lag...
- My food lag is killing me!!! Take me back to Japan and give me some fresh sushi!

by A_Crystal January 3, 2018

Indian Food People

Descriptive word for how Indian people smell. Derived from BOSTON.

You know how they smell, the Indian food people?

by Whitehotgwap August 28, 2023

5👍 6👎

Chapsi Foods

Planet where you get food that you crave for but dont know it actually existed. Place where dreams can become reality and there is no such word as hunger

I am catching a rocket to Chapsi Foods

by Foodiebillionare November 26, 2021