stealthy individuals specialized in espionage and murder. They often use numchucks and fight with un-gloved hands
That girl just killed someone with her bare hands. She's such a ninja
The white-man's version of the N-word.
"My ninja!", "Ninja, what did you say?", "Calm down ninja!"
That dude that died from Ligma.
Guy 1:"Yo i just heard that Fortnite streamer Ninja died from ligma!!"
Guy 2: "Oh no! He was my favorite!!"
Guy 1: "Yeah it's all over the news!"
Guy 2: "Wait, what is ligm-"
Guy 1: "LIGMA BA-"
Infamous cult leader. Blocked on many school district search engines. Makes money off of entertaining young boys ages 6-18.
"Who on Earth did that to your child?"
A crazy guy with a large ego who thinks he's good at games and funny but he really isn't
You're just like Ninja
A fortnite streamer popular with virgins and squeaky little kids using they’re parents credit card to buy skins
“Do you watch ninja”
“No because I’m not a pussy”