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Convenient Trap

A Women that looks and dresses like a boy, therefore being convenient.

Ex: Mutsuki from Tokyo Ghoul:Re. Looks like a boy and but is female, convenient trap!

by Vhegeta April 12, 2019

Chinese Wiener Trap

A Chinese Wiener trap is when you and a friend go balls deep in a newborn kitten, one dives into the mouth, the other dips into the buttcheckks, the younger the tighter of course! Now you will both rupture through the heart, and splooge into eachother's meatus by this time you will both yank out of your respective ends violently and attempt to rip the little rascal in half, if failed please repeat all previous steps with a new kitten. If successful the rear end plugger should be out clean and the upper lip plumber should be left with fangs in the foreskin.

Me and a friend went and bought some kittens to perform Chinese Wiener Traps on.

by Orion Woodward November 12, 2017

squirrel trap

When you cum in a girls ass and she lets it dry up in her asshole so when she shits the dry cum comes out with her shit

Me and my girl did anal last night and she did a squirrel trap

by chickenass69lol January 14, 2022

trap music

The worst EDM genre to have ever existed. It's not even music, it's just a bunch of harsh 808 drum samples accompanied with that annoying AF "tic-tic-tic-tic" semiquaver hi-hat pattern. Even hip hop (old school rap) sounds miles better than this POS genre.

So I was studying at the library and then suddenly this ghetto dude who reeks of weed sits near me with his earphones blasting out obnoxious trap music. Couldn't study from all that cacophony.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian April 8, 2021

Trap Music

Higher tempo music, with repeitive beats. Typically Percussion instruments of the Membranophone family accompanied by electronic beats. Intermitten vocals are common, and sometimes repeated in the same manner that the beats are repeated.

That Trap Music was hot tonight

by JUrbanDude May 1, 2019

trap nap

when you say you’re gonna take a nap before the function, but end up sleeping through the entire function.

I’m gonna take a trap nap so I don’t fall asleep later at the function. *takes a nap and misses the planned event by sleeping all night/day*

by ewdrop March 2, 2019

Sausage trap

When your stuck between going
Steady and booty call

Her:love you

You:......luv you to
*puts down phone

Bro:you still seeing that sausage trap.

Didn't you say she was a psycho?

You: yeah but she gives good head.....

by CaucasianAlien October 31, 2016