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Rare Americans Discord Server

An Rare Americans Discord Server is a horrid place, full of horniness, horrible humor and a few nice people.
It is often compared to concentration camps by historians. It is generally used to describe horrible places.
All of this has been documented by a bear.

Aw man this party is like the Rare Americans Discord Server, let's get the fuck out of here!
Yeah sure, fuck this place.

by bigfriendlybear April 5, 2021

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American View of World War II

Over-simplification of a complex subject.

An analogy would be for a star player who had a good game to claim all the credit after the game and put his team-mates down. Even if the star player did have a great game, all the other members of the team played well and did their part in winning the game -- and helping the star player deliver a great individual performance.

This sort of behaviour (i) is pointless because it relies on speculation about what might have happened had things been different and (ii) displays a real lack of grace, particularly when it is the star player that is doing it.

Many nations (large and small) came together to fight against tyranny during World War II, and their commitment to that cause and their sacrifice was enormous. This is what should be remembered -- not whether one nation's contribution or sacrifice was greater than the others.

"Man, listen to Lance Armstrong claim all the credit for winning 6 Tours de France in a row! You think he'd forgotten there were 8 other guys out there riding for him. What a poor sport! It's just like those guys who bang on and on about the American View of World Ward II"

Note -- this is a stupid example to illustrate the point. Lance is a true sportsman and would never behave this way.

by Lance_fan June 24, 2005

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American Asshole

A new appellation for Donald Trump, the worst and rottenest traitor of all time. He embarrassed the USA to tremendous beyond repair by his actions, thoughts reflected in his hateful boorish juvenile blubbering talk, and his ego larger than the planet Jupiter (over 1500 times larger than planet Earth!). He is a racist, rapist, usurper, fascist, and many other evil things. He has no credentials, no soul and not a single respectable or honorable trait, aspect or a bit of character at all.

Donnie Douchebag has given himself many titles and poses with immense pompous pretention and an ugly personality cult. He has called himself 'Individual One', 'the Donald', and the 'Chosen One'. That last self-imposed title along with his hateful bloated actions makes him by every definition of the word an ANTICHRIST. He is a Caligula by every definition but to the entire world, he is the American Asshole. Thing is, he is a sputnik and a lap bitch to Vladimir Putin, even now.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice April 19, 2022

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American View of World War II

The US view on WW2 is very skewed, biased and innacurate... Lets just say that the war, in Europe at least, would have still been won by the allies (Britain and USSR) even if the US stayed out of it. USA never had any big battles and didn't do a lot of fighting, compared to some of the biggest battles in history which took place on the Eastern Front.

The average miseducated Americans view on WW2 is very skewed.

by Stalin March 18, 2005

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White heterosexual American males

The source of all evil in the world

My woke feminazi professor stated that white heterosexual American males deserve to be put into ghettos. The college dean expelled anyone who disagreed with the professor. USA colleges hadwoke college contests where purple painted fairies, feminazi, and minorities have anti-whte heterosexual males parade every weekend. Evergreen College and Berkeley University are strong contenders.

by queensburykid October 1, 2022

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Dottina (a proud, patriotic American)

A dumb bitch on Urbandictionary.com who another victim to the influence of Bush's propaganda. She's the epitome of all dumb sheep who fall for it, calling anyone who dares to challenge the President unpratriotic. Failing to realize by doing this she's being unpatriotic herself.

Dottina is dumb whore who's looking for attention cause she can't stand out from the legions of morons who bought Bush's propaganda.

by not Dottina June 16, 2003

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American View of World War II

Actually, northern Europe was mostly liberated by local resistance

I think it'll be a good time for me to add that this business of 'speaking german' is pretty dumb when said about Britain. Although the empire didn't contribute to world war II, Hitler admired it, and looked up to the british as friends rather than enemies. Even churchill himself was a flipside of the same coin as Hitler in what they wanted(They both were great orators, looked to build upon thier empire, inspirational leaders etc.).

Unlike his attitude towards France or Russia, Hitler would never had forced Britain under a vichy government had he won. He would, however, after conquering Europe have attacked north america .His writings present a dim view of the united states- so he would make sure the culture would not be preserved. In short, britain would have german as a second language, the united states would have it as a first language.

Fortunately, this never happened. But If britain did fall then hitler would have the time he needed, as well as resources to pause the war, and resume it after he had created the nuclear warheads that were planned.

Although never launched, Von Braun had already completed a modification of the V2 (The v2 was actually the finishing part) that could well exceed the 220 mile restrictions of the popular V2, and instead could reach new York. Such an expense could not be justified by the normal one ton warhead of explosives found on normal V2s. Although lagging behind the united states by about 18 months, Hitlers nuke programme could have been better realised with an entire continent under control. In the same mannor as he suddenly attacked Czech and poland to recover the mining fields and the polish corridor (Gdansk, formerly Danzig) he could have blitzed the united states into oblivion with nuclear missiles that could not be shot down like an enola gay.

by Gumba Gumba June 3, 2004

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