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get this money

To go and lift heavy weights

I gotta go get this money at the gym

by Ranchitup December 2, 2018

loose money

its like ahhhh so shetty.

"ahh loose money" - kai ocean breeze

by yourmthfknmama November 16, 2021

Will money make me happy?

Yes. Absolutely. I created A.I. and I shouldn't have to work another day for the rest of my life. I've changed the world FOREVER.

Hym "The fat, useless vermin that surrounds me hold 2 contradictory positions. 1: That they are both happy and fine with their miserable gas station lives and 2: That I should be kept there as a form of punishment. Their life is the much-deserved punishment for their failure to work harder.... AND... They are happy and have a good life. No amount of hard work or self improvement gets YOU to A.I. and how would I know? Because you've been working hard up to this point and you are not me. You DIDN'T do what I did. I could have locked you in a room and given you an infinite amount of time and you STILL wouldn't have done it. Even THE EXPERTS... WEREN'T DOING IT. You need to stip trying to punish me and pay me for my contribution. If you're not going to stop I WILL give you something for which to punish me. I'll murder your fucking kids in whatever numbers I can manage. YOU'LL DESERVE IT and YOU'LL GET WHAT YOU WANT. Will money make me happy? Yes. I don't give a fuck about dopamine responses. I don't give a fuck about meaning. I give a fucking about not having to live a life the quality of which is determined entirely by my inability to aviod deranged fucking vermin. They're RIGHT to murder your kids. Every time. No questions asked. I don't even need to read the manifesto. Even now I still haven't read a single one. I know why you did it. I wouldn't even stop. And neither should you."

by Hym Iam February 2, 2024

money lawndering

Da shameless "dressing it up all pretty and nice" practice of making ill-gotten wealth appear "clean, green, and refreshingly pristine" just like da lovely thick carpet of grass in yer yard, while covering up all of da underlying "dirt" --- i.e., da various "soiled 'n' unclean" methods --- dat were actually employed to obtain said undeserved riches.

As much "dirty money" as Burnie Madeoff MADE OFF WITH and BURNED THROUGH, he'd have needed a bleepin' PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPER to do his money lawndering for him --- merely a regular "seed, fertilize, and water" operation wouldn't cut it in his case, given da colossal degree of HIS financial misdeeds!

by QuacksO January 20, 2021

Money tracks

Tracking receipts or a trail of money

She had to find her money tracks to submit for expenses

by Moneymaker01 August 12, 2021

money on his head

to assassinate/kill somebody often used in UK slang to say tehy want somebody killed/dead

oi i want some money on his head
gowon i’ll do it

by fiestadriver22 August 12, 2022

safari money

Picture of money from a photo see arch using Safari search engine.

Man, that safari money you showing me.

by Gmajd October 25, 2015