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Poop Loops


Something cats do after making a poop. Excitedly and hyperactively running around in circles or back and forth (should there not be enough room for circles) like a crazy kitty. This may occasionally include psychotic meowing and making a mess of your home (especially mangling freshly folded clothes, knocking over cups of liquid and skidding across stacks of paper.)

Sylvester loves to make poop loops after taking an especially stinky poop because he is so proud.

My kitty did poop loops around the living room which are much preferred over making skid marks on the carpet.

by Nemmesis December 9, 2015

poop barn

An alternative name for a man or woman’s hind quarters.

Take a look at the poop barn on her!

by Pokyhontas January 24, 2023

Poop Whack

The Act of Pleasuring One’s Self During Work, Whilst on the Toilet.

Started my day off with a Strong Coffee and a Solid Poop Whack!

by 412Lobos September 4, 2021

Poop on an Escalator

When feces lands on an escalator for some reason and gets on every step.

"That poop on an escalator is nasty!"

by iAmCKC December 12, 2011

Poop Pass

Poop Pass is a game that's similar to Hot Potato but is when people gather around a circle and one of them volunteers to crap in someone's hand in order to have a turd to play with.

Hey Jacob, last night, while I was driving in my BMW back home, I saw drunks in the forest playing Poop Pass and they looked so disgustingly motherfucking stupid!

by Secret Person 2007 February 8, 2023

Poop snotch

A shorter man between the ages of 48 and 68 with a beer belly wearing a really tight shirt.

Look at that pudgy elderly fellow wearing that tight ass shirt..

I know right? What a poop snotch.

by ThatReaper April 28, 2018

Grey poop on

A condiment use in cooking to take a dump on.. aka grey poupon

You some grey poop on your meat?

by Convo_king89 March 6, 2021