When 2 heterosexual males and one female are involved in a three person sexual encounter and one of the heterosexual man's seman inadvertantly comes in contact with the second heterosexual man person. Often times this occurs when one of the males ejaculates prematurely onto the female.
Justin and I are Ice Cream Cousins. We were in a three way with Courtney and I blew it too soon on her thigh during an aggressive wank and before I could clean her off Justin put his hand in my load. So not cool
Arabic Cream cheese means a person who is above average in most positive things
You are very Arabic Cream Cheese, dude!
Easy bars that anybody can spit. Mainly used by those who claim they got "bars".
Man, get outta here with them weak ass ice cream bars bro.
Friend: I hate ice cream bars
Me: PERISH YOU @^$^#%#$ @%#%# *#^#@# ^#%@^$
When your girl is jerking you so good you shoot a massive load of cum out of your dick
I gave anthony such a good cream Canon last night
When a man cums in his hand and slaps the other person in the face.
1) Oh, time for dessert!
2) Ooh, baby, what are we having?
1) Cream cheeks….
2) What?
1) Cream……cheeks! (then slaps them in the face with a hand full of cum)
when she creams and it funnels back to her butthole
I had my girl doin a cream buttowski last night, dawg!