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Ghetto Coursing

When a person puts a high value item out on display in the night hours in the ghetto, only to lie in wait with a pack of dogs (preferably sight hounds/greyhounds). Once a thief has decided to take action and steal the item, the dogs are let free to chase the assailant(s). The outcome is bet upon before hand.

Hey, i just a new greyhound named lucky. Can we use your Gixxer to lure in some ghetto hares? I know she's gonna be a legend in the ghetto coursing league.

by Julian loves woj July 18, 2012

the Ghetto move

The ability to move a single chess piece to any square of their choice, effectively killing off any of the opponent’s piece on that square they chose.

Kings are excluded.


The Ghetto Move is the most powerful chess move to ever exist!”

by k-hot jalapeños December 31, 2024

Boujee Ghetto

The population of Downtown Atlanta

Ex. The people wearing tacky diamond jewelry while asking for straws and plastic cutlery at restaurants and being extremely rude and extra towards the server that they made run around the restaurant for and then tipping $0 on their $500 tab.

I’m not taking that table, they’re boujee ghetto they’re definitely not going to tip me.

by F1utt3rbug June 18, 2022

Ghetto Steff

When steff gets a certain drunk and becomes unapproachable due to loudness/inability to control one self/carelessness/ inappropriate digs and sometimes biting.

She’s gone full ghetto steff

by Peeeeeeej April 28, 2018

Ghetto Pancake

Very thick but still taste good

I like Aunt Jemima because she has ghetto pancakes

by Dxnoir00 March 27, 2018

children of the ghetto

a song that blew up in Waterloo by an artist by the name of Philip Bailey that was used by a bunch of kings to push on a group of peasants to use on a day to day basis, as well as in the morning to wake households up and get people ROWDY, as well as mellowed out to enjoy everyday. It lasted about 2 weeks and was played each one of those days approximately all day long. It became a hit because of the ruthless pushing and overplaying, as well as changing up the lyrics in order to better suit the people, and the house addresses that each of them resided in.

Children of the ghetto!!!!! Take your time (high pitch voice) over and over and over until you get the reaction you want.

reactions include:
1. SHUT UP over there I can hear your through the wall
2. children of the ghettttooooooooooooooooooooooo
3. Children of King Street

by Number 1 King Poppa February 24, 2009

Ghetto Diamond

A black girls asshole.

Rihanna's ghetto diamond is in the light.

by Dr. Janky August 8, 2014