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Fat Ming

An unpleasant and offensive adjective, used to describe an unnatractive, and overweight individual.


by HmmfCreator June 5, 2009

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fat hoppin'

1) The act of sleeping with a fat girl.

2) The act of a desirable male actively seeking a woman who is considered not only undesirable but rather large as well.

3) A sport in which a group of friends goes out to a bar or club to compete for the opportunity to have sexual intercourse with fat girls (this usually happens after one in the group is made fun of for having had sex with a fat girl, but then brags about her sexual prowess. Everyone knows a guy can't go on living knowing that a friend of his has had some sexual experience that he has no comparison for).

Randy: Man I can't believe you had sex with that manatee.
Mike: Whatever man it was soooo uh-mazin'.
Randy: Are you serious?
Mike: You've never been fat hoppin'? Are you serious? Everybody has to hook up with a fat girl at least once. They never know when they're gonna get it again so they give you everything they got.
Randy: Man let's go fat hoppin' tonight.
Mike: Hell yeah I'll buy the first round.
Randy: Sweet!!!

by D.O.A. April 28, 2007

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fat hot

Someone that is fat, but would be considered attractive if one's standards were lowered just enough.

Derek: I'd never do that girl.
Robert: Yeah, she's fat.
*3 hours later*
Fat hot girl: That was mediocre.
Derek: Don't tell my friends.

by insouciance April 2, 2009

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fat knob

a fat knob is a chubby penis.

"that boy ej has a really small fat knob"

by Young Chubb October 24, 2015

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Fat Karen

Any four door pickup truck driven as a personal vehicle.

Tyler had to choose between child support and making the payment on his Fat Karen 350

by JB Hooligan December 16, 2022

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Puppy Fat

When a teenager, aged 13-15 gains weight during puberty, especially around their belly.

β€˜You can really see Lewis’ puppy fat when he takes his shirt off’ - I.e. Lewis has a belly.

by MCLCLCNCJCOC123 August 15, 2018

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Fat Geezer

A fat geezer- an olde British term for a fat middle aged homosapien of the male sex. This is a name often used to poke fun at others. Call your mom a fat geezer, she’ll give you a cookie.

Hey, fat geezer, Get over here and mow the lawn!

by Rob drool March 17, 2020

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