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Gay Maxing

Like looks maxing but the gay version

Bro your gaymaxing

Yea he’s gay maxing chat

by CrackSlayer4009 April 3, 2024

Retard Maxing

The process of doing really dumb content just for money or attention. Bella Poarch is a prime example. Also, Reaction content that is extremely dumb but, abuses the algorithm and gains gullible people's attention. At first one may think the poster themself is stupid but, in reality they are intelligent for making such dumb content while efficiently wasting people's time.

Hey, Bro I posted a new reaction video and got 50,000 views I have been retard maxing lately low effort content is the way to go

by 3DPerpendiculaRobinHoodForest February 17, 2023

Breed Maxing

The act of forbidden hugging.

Dude, you're pregnant?? Nice Breed Maxing.

by Rubixrandom July 10, 2023

ball maxxing

squeezing your balls to the point of swelling, indefinitely making them purple so you can have larger load.

Today, Sam and I were ball maxxing in math class.

by Ball Maxxer Enthusiast April 23, 2024

Dirty Max

When someone says something very outa pocket

When you say you cousins girlfriend creamed
Adrianna what are you doing?”
“Adrianna creamed!” Dirty Max

by Xen_Lover January 6, 2024

Loser Maxxing

Loser maxing is the act of playing loser games all day such as valorant,minecraft,roblox and watch vtubers/buy anime figurines on your off time in order to accept that your a loser. this is as copeing mechanism after getting broken up with or suffering from something.

DId you hear that daves loser maxxing because he lost his money gambling?

by hero2.0 July 26, 2024

max daniel

Max Daniel is the name of a fun and weird person! Sometimes he will hang out with the wrong people just to find the beautiful in them. He understands that everyone got something good in them!

Max Daniel is a person who always will see the good in people

by MikibellLovesUnicorns December 1, 2017