When you come too in a momemtary state of being completely pissed off your nut, and wake up underneath a hideous skank bitch with teeth like a gutter snipe and shes ridding the shit out of your half limp dick trying to milk you for some baby batter.
You start clapping your heels together like Dorothy off the wizard of oz while yelling theres no place like home.
Guy- huh..hey wtf…argh
Skank- uh uh uh
( Slap slap slap )
Guy – theres no place like home …theres no place like home….fuck I wish I had some ruby slippers right now
Guy to his mate- wicked party last night but a had a ruby slipper moment late in the night.
A Helen Keller Moment is an experience of extraordinary insight that cannot be explained by simple linear reasoning.
I was fucking blind and deaf and a lady ran water over my hand while making finger gestures into my other hand and I figured out that shit meant water. -Helen Keller (having the canonical Helen Keller Moment)
a OL maths student moment is when ignorance overwhelms the mind of an average male. to put it plainly, they act like OL maths students. OL maths student moments are unpredictable, an incident as mild as bumping into someone can quickly involve slurs. but quickly, they de-evolve back into a mild annoying situation.they all end up bad. OL maths student moments are the third biggest killer of braincells, behind unionists and croatians.
something every OL maths student moment needs is a serious OL maths student. also foundation level students may apply, on occasion. take for example a car accident. apres student has just hit your car 7 times. you have two choices. you can walk away let insurance handle it, or you can fight with a pres student. of course, if you are a HL maths student, you will walk away. but statistics show that 90% of OL Maths students will fight the man.
one key to OL maths student moments is how they start. certain things are instant triggers. for example, if there is a crowd of angry people, that havent quite resorted to violence, an act as simple as throwing a chair will instantly create a OL maths student moment.
people enjoy watching OL maths students act stupid. its fun. private OL maths student moments shame you. public OL maths student moments shame everyone.
finally, OL maths student moments are always negative. they always end bad. thats just the way it is. simply because the victor must kill to win. thats not winning. everyone loses in that case.
OL Maths Tri-cell retard (culchie dialect): Baby that upset ?
HL Maths Normal Human Being: What do you me- hey wait a minute...I'm w̶h̶i̶t̶e̶ a HL Maths student! I'm not part of this OL Maths moment.
OL Maths Tri-cell retard (culchie dialect): *paragraphs of speech you're not sure you can't understand because he's in Ordinary Level or because his thick culchie accent along with his English skills equivalent to a Tec student are equal to a migrant begging you for spare change outside Pettits"
whenever something is over two times the "power" of a "bruh moment."
dude that was a real gamer sex moment
when someone says something so fucking ridiculous you have no other option but to respond with “Stinky PooPoo Moment.”
Or if they just shit themselves that also is a “Stinky PooPoo Moment.”
*long paragraph*
^^Stinky PooPoo Moment^^
Hes a Siiiiiiiii Merchant. Always Siiiiii'ing on his haters even though hes the best. More goal contributions than Messi at the time of posting this. Menace to society and an absolute baller. Don't let him pee before playing soccer or he will shit on you.
Guy 1: Did you see Prime Moments Giuseppe Siiiiiii yesterday?
Guy 2: Hes such a Siiiiiii Merchant
When something sad happens, cause 90% of Tokyo Ghoul was sad
This is a Tokyo Ghoul Moment on god