Droopy Mouth Syndrome aka (DMS) is a condition that affects individuals when they're in the presence of a woman who embodies the ' 3B's' (Beauty, Brains and Body). Her presence causes somatical impairement which causes pangs, penury, tretfullness and fidgety jitters. Curmudgeons who pitch for the beef industry are significantly affected. Physiotherapy and Psychotherapy are the only treatments that can help repair damage, reduce stiffness and pain, increase mobility and improve their qual;ity of life and help the person change and overcome their morbid jealousy.
The symptoms of Droopy Mouth Syndrome:
-Drooping of one side of the face
-Numbness & tinglimng
-Pain & discomfort
-Muscle twitching, cramps & twitching
-Popping sound of jaw when attempting to close the mouth
-unusual facial expression
-Blank stare
-Decreased appetite
-Difficulty standing, abnormal gait
-Constipation, distended stomach
-Anxiety, confusion & excessive sweating
Jiro: "WTF is wrong with Sullen, she looks she's had a bitter pill?"
MC: "IDK, she's been like that as soon Hailey walked in"
Jiro: "Oh, look, it's not just her, look at the other women over there, they look like stunned mullets as well"
MC: "Shit, that fishy smell must be coming from their end"
When you smile with your mouth open
Eww why dose she teacup mouth in her photos
When a nerd—not gender specific—goes down on you and it’s awesome after playing dungeons and dragons.
When a person is very good at using his or her mouth while speaking a wizard language
A person who can handle wizard sleeves like a champ
All the ladies call me a recreational mouth wizard
She called me a mouth wizard for handling her wizard sleeves
Hard core Russians who do not talk,smile, and or even acknowledge your existence. Even while in your country and or on vacation abroad.
The zipper mouths walked by on New Years Eve. With no festive greeting and lacking any other facial emotions. Cold stare straight ahead even when invited to communicate.
A person that would Say or do anything for money, because a full wallet is worth their morality and ethics
that wallet mouth betrayed us for pocket change
A mouth that's liable to get loud and say to much at anytime.
to do anything and everything humanely possible to make someone with whom you interact on a daily basis stop swearing.
mother : Daniel, I literally need to wash your mouth with lemon juice, now; you have a vocabulary problem
son : why should I stop swearing? Make me.