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An insult directed at someone who has just beat you in a game.

"Bayonneta beat me up on Smash again. She's a friggin' nugget!"

by ScoffSharkfin April 14, 2020


Slang word for for a USB wall adapter, as it is small and precious, and often elusive.

Phil: Dude, did you borrow my nugget?
Stew: Naw, man.

by Ohmyapplepie January 16, 2022


Originating in the East of England, Nuggets is infamous in local folklore. Rumoured to have first been mentioned in the roll of the hero’s of the Littleport Riots of 1816 the name saw a resurgence in the mid 1990’s when a new hero emerged. Having taken on the McNugget challenge as earning the respect and admiration of his friends. No one knows the true tally that dark and stormy night, all we know is history was made and the folklore continues. Those who recount the stories do so with much excitement and admiration often conflating stories to embellish the true total of McDonald’s consumed that fateful night.

This is Nuggets, he is a legend.....he ate 1,000,000 chicken nuggets and a Big Mac in a single sitting...seriously.

by Anon ze Mouse December 25, 2019


very nice thing you can eat at the mc. it is also a very good word to use as a catchphrase

jonny: i want a nugget from the mac donalds

by flayobomt September 12, 2022


Testicles of a man or animal.

Ouch that that lady punched him right in the nuggets!

Or, Get your nuggets off my forehead!

by BroMyark February 17, 2014


A piece of equipment, technology, vehicle, (or sometimes a person) that looks or preforms/looks sub par in todays standards. Alternitively, it could just be poorly made from the get-go.

This term was first popularized by the YouTuber, DankPods, who regularly uses it to describe his MP3 player and Car collections.

Some synonyms include: Lemon, Hot Mess, Mistake, Low-tier Garbage, and Trash

*About to plug in an old iPod*

by WeegeeCool April 15, 2023


An amazing pirate person who's personality resembles the adorableness of an otter.

They killed him, but they're such a nugget I can't be mad.

by AcheronianJ October 9, 2023