A disgusting group of degenerates. They try to start gang wars with spider-man whale gang, but fail every time.
Shark Gang reminds me of my wife, only three people care about them and they get bullied for it.
a group of boys that do gallon glug size amounts of herion and they all compare their small dicks
hey did you see those glug gang boys? yeah what small dick herion addicts!!
A very deadly gang that kills victims with saws. TWICE!
Hey have you heard about the new saw gang in town? That’s pretty frightening.
person 1: have you seen those really cool awesome amazing incredible talented humble mysterious loving caring girls
Person 2: what the frozen gang gang
person 1: lmao no no them
A group of famous people.
A lot of people have been jealous of them as they're quite known in the Korean hiphop music industry and have friends in that industry as well
"Ugh, I wish I was like Bloo LDN gang. Every artist in the industry knows them"