One whose actions are purely performative and attention seeking and without substance.
While some politicians serve their constituencies, others are merely show turds.
A woman or man who is an obsessive fan of abuser Amber Heard, to the point of absolutely refusing to believe she can do anything bad or wrong. Even though she is a man & woman beater who was arrested for assaulting her ex gf.
This Turd Stan keeps defending
Amber Heard no matter how many times she admits to hitting Johnny Depp.
When you unexpectedly give someone laxatives, and they unwillingly vacate their bowels, that is what we like to call "turd burgling".
Last night was insane; we were turd burgling like some 'shit witches' last night.
A brown panel van that's the same color as shit that it makes people throw up and criticize over the color.
Guess what I saw on the way to work today?
What'd you see?
A big ugly brown van!!
It looks like a turd on wheels!!!
He need to go drive that fucker off the cliff. Either that or repaint it.
What Lana The Roads was paid to do and is now mortified of her bastard baby finding once older, though it's highly unlikely to impossible her child will ever possess the ability to read. The act itself insertion of feces into her holes, I'm her case her "turding" was filmed in XXX.
Gross Me boy! Lana got turded again! What's next bro a "Turd Bang!"
Suboxone turd. A massive turd from taking Suboxone. A turd so big it feels breached in the shit canal and deserves a name when it finally makes it’s way out.
Finally delivered a Suboxone turd, time of birth 1:23 am, 23 inches long, 3 pounds named Jessica.
When out of toilet paper you will seek out a news paper to wipe your ass.
Had a wonderful and amazing lunch however I went on a turd rampage since the bathroom was all out of toilet paper.