a RACIST SLUR against African Americans
“hey man that a slur“
"oh my b"
1.) An expression used after one is disrespected with a hardcore roast.
2.) An expression used to show up your haters
Jimmy: *Wearing Lebron sneakers*
Jamaal: Yo you got Lebrons... Hair Line
Overhearing Bystander: OH MY GOD JIMMY TURN IN YO SHOES
Kid that dropped out of high school to become a rapper and becomes successful: To all my haters y'all can TURN IN YO MOTHERFUCKING SHOES
to be finessed or swindle into purchasing a product at a higher price than what it's actually worth.
Bro I just scored a quarter of Marijuana for 250 Buck!!!
Associate: Mf done slap yo head.
Dude's pants were so tight he was smuggling yo yo's