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a stupid yeaster that wants to be friends with shrek, but donkey is to ugly so he can't be one with shrek

urr look it da ugly donkey donker

by shrek is our lord and saviour October 3, 2018


A eird to describe how absolutely stupid and dum some one is

Oh boris your such a donkey

by Hahahahaha loser February 23, 2022


a retarded horse

your a donkey bruva

by thomasdatankengine January 12, 2021


An animal that is a domesticated member of the horse family.

"Look at that donkey!" ,cried Sam.

by Nadly December 2, 2019


A large amount of time

Ayy bruv I ain't seen you in donkeys, what's goin on

by Prick7 August 8, 2017


No... No, you're worse than an animal. You're worse.

Hym "No. Donkey is being generous. Because a DONKEY is actually useful to someone other than a woman. A donkey I wouldn't have to pretend is people. And the small dick derision is allowed. You're perfectly fine with it. You have nerd once in your life heard small dick bigotry and had anything to say about it. You're perfectly fine with the dehumanization of incels. But when it's YOU beginning dehumanized it's a problem. When it's that fucking cripple it's a problem. A whore doing something that would would destroy my life? Not a problem. You've never imposed schizophrenia ON anyone who's done it. You never mocked them. You've never in your life even HEARD anyone mock a fat cock. So no. Donkeys are majestic animals. I don't even know what to call you."

by Hym Iam September 9, 2023


One of the best characters in the Shrek movies

Donkey: “Oh this is another one of those onions things isn’t it?”

Also Donkey: “I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder.”

by A_Daubzyeeyee April 21, 2021