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skin heads

An often misunderstood group, even by those who claim to be one themselves. Ignorant neo-nazi's ruined their name; are often subject to unjust critcism from unaware public.Can be gay black etc. Beleifs often displayed by their shoelace color. Characterized by shaved heads, boots, black clothing and mostly listen to oi punk rock.

Bill-"What happen to that skinhead kid"

Happy D-"'bunch a whitey haten brothers
jumped his ass, thought he was
an ass-hole neo nazi."
Bill-"that shits ignorant"

Happy D-"yea, but their heart was in the right place, fuck neo-nazi racist bastards"

by Jizack February 23, 2005

81๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

Head Tent

A long veil, also called a Niqab, that many muslim women drape over their heads because their husband, father, or older brothers are afraid that their ownership bond is so weak and loveless that their woman will not be able to resist the urge to be raped by an uncontrollably horny muslim sociopath. Their husbands also have such penis envy that they feel that if they don't demand that their women cloak themselves, they could lose them to another man. It is slightly less concealing than a chastity tent.

Joe: Is it true that Aisha was raped for not wearing a head tent?

Habib: She went outside without her Niqab, whining about heat stroke or something. Mo could not resist seeing her cheeks and hair, and had to submit to her obvious sexual invitation. She cried that she was raped, but if Mo saw her cheeks, can you really blame him? She obviously wanted it.

Joe: How is she now?

Habib: Her premarital sex shamed our family, so we had to stone her to death to protect our honor. She is with Allah now.

by 4justice August 5, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

skin head

a simple creature that has evolved from the punk-rocker, they are just as violent as their closely related nazi skin head but unlike nazi skin heads they show no hate to groups of people such a jew, homosexuals etc... the skin head usually move in packs and are quit noticeable in one of their favorite activities moshing. Skin heads are also known for their displays of anger, one of these is "Curbing" this form of implement that is done by making some person (usually who pissed the skinhead off) bite down on the sidewalk curb then kicking them in the back of the head witch makes the person's teeth to shatter on the side walk, this is very painful but rarely done.

That stupid skin head said he would curb me if i didn't stop hitting him in the mosh pit.

by Dune December 1, 2003

202๐Ÿ‘ 186๐Ÿ‘Ž

head and shoulders

a shampoo that has a light blue color to it, designed to eliminate dandruff

my grandfather\'s old ass head needs some head and shoulders

by chili dog April 27, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term, often used pejoratively by flat-earthers, to describe a worldly, liberal-minded person who believes in basic scientific facts, especially the fact that our planet has a spherical shape, which was established by Ancient Greek astronomers more than 2,000 years ago.

"Bill Nye is such a globe-head!"

"So I woke up to my wife of 13 years telling me she can't respect me anymore for my flat-earth views. I wasn't sharing flat-earth views on my Facebook wall or sharing my ideas with any of our globe-headed friends, so I thought I was OK. But, no, she entered my Facebook and seen sic me commenting and sharing in this group. I guess it's not OK to have any independent thoughts, and I can no longer follow the subject for fear of losing my family."

by Alma Gest July 16, 2017

19๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Slang term ferm for Jews, Zionists, and people of the orthopoxed Jew faith

I have designed a ball bearing propellor for that propellor-head, and I will crazy glue that device on their yarmulka

by Photius August 23, 2005

19๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

knob head

bacically a total dickhead with no friends

take a look in da mirror

by Blue-boy January 2, 2004

91๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž