A tall 6 foot 3 nerd who looks like slenderman. He can be sweet but also a dickhead.
His catchphrase= eat our dick
He eats children and loves penis.
"Hey he is a real Mads, he ate my child."
Can be used to replace the words like really, alot, are, and is
I'm mad hungry or that's mad funny
mads has been through so much with boys and school and friendships but overall she's a great person and very pretty and extremely funny and helpful hope you have a mads in your life because if you don't make friends with her you might never see her again or never talk to her again she is a very load person and she can be nice but can be really mean and she has had some bad thoughts but you know everyone has been through a bad spot in there life but mads will always be there for you and she will always need someone there for her because if she don't she will probably start having those thoughts again and she has been through SOOOOO MUCH WITH BOYS,friendships,SCHOOL so just don't mess with her and we won't have a problem but if you mess with mads I feel sorry for you because you just made the worst mistake of your life because she will make your life miserable:( and plus she's popular so don't mess with her because she will make everyone hate you :(
boy: who's that because she's HOT!
other boy: that's mads and yeah I know she's hot but mess with her she will make everyone hate you
boy: should I go talk to her
other boy: sure just don't mess anything up
boy: okay wish me luck
the most beautiful male in the world. he is so good looking and is the most carring person you will ever meet.
ones you go with a Mads you will never go back
That weird comic and TV show with the weird deformed kid that aired on Cartoon Network when you were a child that made fun of your favorite things.
I read an old MAD comic last week. Now I'm traumatized.
Mads is a european boy name. Mads usually has the prettiest eyes and hair. They always tend to have a huge cock too.
girl 1: Hey Riley, did u see Mads?
girl 2: Yes, I even slept with him!
girl 1: Was his cock big?
girl 2: It was really big!