harrysexual is the sexuality of liking nonmen except harry styles.
"I'm harry-sexual"
"Oh.. a valid sexuality!"
"no. it's all jokes FREAK."
An attraction to people with the name "Beau".
Common in people named Ava, Honey and Franny. Also people with the initials AP and MH.
Lia: "I think I am Beau sexual"
Amelie: "Everybody is Beau sexual at heart, Lia."
A straight retard who won’t get their head out their ass and don’t feel included because straight people don’t already get enough love and they have to take over the LGBT community as well so they feel included and something that is not for them.
Idiot: Hey I’m straight sexual!
Everyone: Kill yourself.
Homeostatic Sexuality is an umbrella term to refer to a "proper" or "natural" mental state of sexuality. It encompasses many different areas, for example it will exclude hypersexuality and exclude hyposexuality. You can think of it like an ideal state. It also excludes various paraphilias. The word is mostly an informal one.
The research indicates all humans are born (nature) with an innate homeostatic sexuality, which largely activates around puberty. Furthermore, paraphilias are not inborn, rather procured due to environmental conditions (nurture).
hop sexual, someone only attracted to a person whom identifies as it/its
juniper is hop sexual
A hot nerdy girl/guy. This usually refers to closet-nerds and/or overly proud of their nerdiness nerds.
Intell-Sexuals are generally more popular and good looking then regular nerds, or they have an amazing history in bed.
Pearl: Oh my god, Texas is such an Intell-Sexual!
Iris: I know, I heard Taffy and him broke up... I'm gonna get a piece of that!
Taffy: Oh no you didn't!
Iris {enters from out of nowhere}: Oh yes I did!
Texas {from the corner}: Ladies, ladies, quiet down. Everyone can have a little piece of Tex, plus, I'm studying.
Nah bitch you don't expect that shit from women
Hym "Nah, you get the fuck right out of here with that. You don't expect sexual discipline from women."