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sugar water braids

Sugar water braids are a very cheap messy version of Beyonce's lemonade braids

Ex: 1 I am not paying $150 dollars for these nasty, messy ass sugar water braids.

Ex: 2 Do not go to Sasha's salon for lemonade braids because they come out with out the lemon. They come out as sugar water braids. Them shit are ugly as fuck.

by Fara✨ July 11, 2017

Boiling my water

the act of someone's getting on your nerves; pissing you off.

guy1 : Yo dude i heard you was gunna beat john up what happened ?

guy2 : lil punk was Boiling my water man , juss wanted to choke him.

guy1 : thats some uncool shit on his part man.

guy2 : damn right dude.

by chuck_ch March 1, 2009

Boiled water drinker

A boiled water drinker is a person wearing an invisible veil blocking any exiting or thrilling experience in life. These persons use hypochondria as a tool in their fight against arousal (for instance, "allergies" forcing them to avoid coffee and tea, thus drinking only boiled water during breaks).

Often, the boiled water drinker would have a nanny software installed on his own computer.

-"Hey dude, wanna grab a beer after work ?"
-"Sorry, I can't. I am a boiled water drinker, but thank you."

by Geozz June 19, 2018

still a fish in the water

Still a fish in water means that you feeling like you blend into the crowd to much and you want to stand out more.

In my giant middle school I don't stand out at all I'm still a fish in the water.

by Zoe B. July 8, 2017

Australian Coconut Water

When 1000s of men from all over Australia come to a local fruit stand in melbourne once a year with power drills and they steal 1000s of coconuts and drill them out and at the count of 5 they all burst their seminal fluids into the coconuts in unison

Ryan attended this years Australian Coconut water festival

by Swazey1450 March 2, 2023

fire water burn

Friends With Benefits, the BHG probably didn't intend it that way but they are kings of innuendo.

Someday you and I will be fire water burn.

by Sdra gon February 22, 2021

African Water Hair

When someone's hair is a dark murky brown colour, like African water.

Person 1: hey dude, someone described my radical hair as being the colour of African Water?
Person 2: whoa African Water Hair is when someone's hair is a dark murky brown colour, like African water !!

Person 3: Awesome dude! That's lit!

by grogro-in-da-house June 1, 2017