Source Code

walk to china

phrase used to indicate a desire for sexual relations

hey nicole, how long do you think it would take to walk to china?

by Sventeen June 21, 2020

dog walk

to let a strong masculine man put a leash on you and destroy your anal cavity

i’m gonna dog walk him until the sun comes up”

by mmmyess October 3, 2019

A Walking Snail

Instead of calling a woman a slut, its a woman leaving a trail of cum behind her

Slut insults you.
yo bitch shut the fuck up, your a walking snail cunt.

by Moztashio June 25, 2022

Walking Orgasm

Caden in anything he wears when any female sees him.

Caden is such a walking orgasm.

by AnonFtb11 December 30, 2017

Terrorist Walk

It's where you buy an RPG from Somalia and run around shooting down people migrating into the state while eating macaroni off of some one's head. They are probably named Bob, John, or Abdul from some random scam center that was taken down. Anyway after shooting them down they hang their flesh on nails on skyscrapers for decoration. Then he walks around places and does it again.

I am going to commit Terrorist Walk and have fun.
Someone just Terrorist Walked my Uncle.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

by SuperYeetCat May 18, 2023

A Walking Minefield

A person who is essentially unstable. You never know what will randomly trigger an episode of rage from them. Anything from a joke, to a random topic or even just existing as a friend to them may be enough to randomly set them off. People who become long term friends with walking minefields will learn them like an old game of mine sweeper, but will always get exploded due to the being close factor. Walking minefields will use the most personal, hurtful, insane attacks against their friends when this random/unwarranted mine shows up.

I cant be friends with someone that's a walking minefield where if you say the wrong thing they yell at you and block you instead of talking it out. Like how was I supposed to know I'm not allowed to talk about cookies because ur dad died from choking on a cookie??

by liberkelon April 22, 2024

walk you down

beat you up

jaysen: im finna walk you down

by abcdefghijklmnopqrsytuvwxyz June 28, 2022