To snitch on yourself or someone else in order to be moved by the guards to a different part of the jail away from the inmates that you are scared of or have a problem with
If you don't like it then hit the flap bitch
another word for eating spicy food
bro stop hitting my takis
Can be used as a noun to describe fake or weak substance. Can also be used in the form of an action, in the act of giving someone something it is not. I.E. - such as a fake cigarette from a movie.
“Damn bro this shit sucks, what you give me, a Hollywood Hit?”
To get on the interstate
Yo ill be right there im bout to hit the slab.
James Alex Fields Jr., or another white terrorist / extremist. Used by complicit media in a phrase when they at all cost want to avoid stating that a white rasist dude or a nazi is responsible for a terrorist attack using a vehicle.
Car Hits Crowd After White Nationalist Rally in Charlottesville Ends in Violence (The New York Times)