; an idiom used sarcastically concerning any individual who's rude or abusive towards others verbally or physically.
Now that was so wrong. Guess it's just another way of making new friends?
They are just searching for upvotes. They're emotional manipulators and just make people with such names feel good about themselves.
Anna: Oh my god, urban dictionary says i'm beautiful!
Me: That's not true, the people who make definitions of names on urbandictionary want you to feel happy so you can upvote their definition. It's an emotional manipulation.
Anna: Oh... that's fucked up!
When you roast your bro and his hoe when the relationship get's in the way.
"Sorry, mates I gotta take my girl home."
"Make sure to walk your dog safely."
The mantra held by some people who play The Amazing Race ORGs, it is the belief that using taxis, the fastest but most expensive transport option, will make you soft and weaken you for what is to come in the race, so it is better not to use taxis at all. Also known by the abbreviation TMYFAL.
Were you actually considering using a taxi? Didn’t you know that Taxis make you fat and lazy? It’s scientifically proven. Nobody who taxis leg 1 ever wins the race. It’s a waste of money and it makes your muscles waste away as well.
I'm pretty sure I commanded somebody to get the fuck over here... You tell him to get his bitch ass over here.
Hym "Joe Rogan? More like Hoe, um... Jogan? Right? Why make Joe Rogan an enemy? Because I told them to get over here and if I'm right about my alien abduction theory he literally can't, ya know... Do that... So yeah, HOOOOOOOE JOGAN!!"
When you tell a lie that suddenly gathers its own dynamics and you can't control it anymore so you have to keep on adding lies.
Look at @realDonaldTrump 's twitter page. Looks like he just tries to make a Trump!
When you tell a lie that suddenly gets its own dynamics so you cannot control it anymore and have to keep on adding new lies.
Look at @realDonaldTrump 's twitter page. He seems to make a Trump!