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a way to say someone is dumb

P1: Whats 5+3?
P2: 19?
P1: No, Your such a nugget

by gstagan22 March 25, 2011


A fairly "fat" person who is all about girls but girls dont care about this person at all. This person is also all "Hoes before bros" even though his "bros" dont really like him that much anyways.

Man, that guy is such a nugget.He's going to her house instead of coming to the party. She doesn't even like him anyways he's ugly and fat.

by Anonymosss May 20, 2019



Your friend is a nugget!

by SV753 May 24, 2019


Nuggets is a word used instead of cussing

Friend:Oh sh** Me:Say nuggets instead of sh**

by makeeeeerrr December 5, 2019


Nessa Barrett’s fandom. The sweet kind hearted people with great passion and respect.

Boy 1: Wow she was so nice!
Boy 2: I know she’s apart of the Nuggets

by Nessa_Barrett72 on tt February 22, 2021


when someone is annoying or all up in your grills.

Guy 1: yo man pass me the ball
Guy 2: no
Guy 1: come on man
Guy 2:no
Guy 1: your such a nugget

by jcsmitty November 25, 2009


Nugget derived from N.U.G. None*Urban*Gay, aka Nugget. A gay person who grows up in a rural area who ends up just acting too gay to fit in with gay stereotype but is just too “on the nose“. Learned to be gay from watching pride parades he’s never attended and Rue Paul’s Drag Race.

1.Look at that queen he such a Nugget
2. Don’t be such a Nugget act normal

3. Sit down Nugget, not all gay people are Queens.

4. Awe your a cute little Nugget aren’t you?

by Lancet Fencing May 22, 2020