I'm gonna go get some Corona's with that Stupid Queefer.
May 1st is National Stop This Stupid Trend Day. On this day, no one of any age is permitted to make up any more of these stupid random holidays that have no meaning or significance.
Hey 12 year old! You can’t make your “National Anime Titties Day”. It’s National Stop This Stupid Trend Day!
A state of confusion when a smart person is arguing with an idiot, and the smart person suddenly hits a mental brick wall because the other person is so utterly ignorant, it's shocking that they can even think the way they do and take everything they say 100% seriously.
Paul had a stupidity stupor when he realized Jeff was 100% serious about his belief that the Holocaust was a fake event staged by the Jewish.
(A/N: I did not make this up. There are actually people who believe this.)
The most stupid thing you can think of and add autism.
Yo, that Phillipe has reached Critical Stupid.
I only do this because of the mug ad
*Mike falls like a cartoon because he looks down*
Person below: You're a muthafucking stupid ass goofy.
A blackie who is gay and stupid and jumps from tree to tree very monkey like, often steals from KFC and rapes young white ladies, they love to play basketball and tickle the nipples of stronger stupid nigger monkey faggots
You better run, stupid nigger monkey faggot.