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gay clout

The attention people receive from telling everybody and their mom that they are gay, basically they're gay for the flex

"Yo is Alexandra gay, she posted on her story saying she was?"
"No shes just gay for the flex, she tryna rake that gay clout"

by kim jong big bong December 18, 2019

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gay sniper

Penis monster

mandeep is a gay sniper

by FaggotSn1p3r420 May 23, 2016

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splenda gay

someone who acts gay, talks gay, but isn't gay

Boy 1: I understand that guy coming out, but why does he have to be flamboyant about it. He creeps me out.
Girl 1: He's not really gay, trust me. He just splenda gay.
Boy 1: Oh.

by TWAJW February 20, 2010

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alek is gay

Yeah he is basically a gay piss of shize be mostly playes warzone, mc, gta5 and fortnite cuz he is gay after all and yeah that is it for now bye................................................................... why are we still here just to suffer every night.

me and the boys on discord
Alek: man i want to eat some big black cock

JAMES CHARLES: Hello Alek you just joined the gay club
Random mdf: alek is gay

by Random Games mdfs March 25, 2021

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Sparkling Gay

The 'Twilight' variation of the phrase "flaming gay".

Edward is sparkling gay.
Twilight is so 'sparkling gay' it makes clay aiken look straight.

by Dr. Habanero May 28, 2010

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Terminal gay

when you homo-sexuality reaches terminal level. You will die and there is no turning back

john: I have terminal gay
Alex: Ew wtf dude go kys faggot

by Heukail March 11, 2018

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Gay Streak

The period of time that has elapsed since a guy's last sexual encounter. Often coupled with excessive masturbation and depression. The longer a gay streak goes on the more difficult it is to break.

Chris hasn't notched anyone in like a year, he is on a brutal gay streak.

by Alex Brovechkin June 20, 2010

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