Selling awards show within their Family Shared affiliated companies.
Starships Ent. rigged another show for the second time by buying Cravity the undeserving MMA -MELON MUSIC AWARDS ROTY and stealing it from deserving TREASURE.
A music camp in the middle of Pennsyltucky that claims to be a good christian camp while 70% of the attendees are horny teenagers that find ways to bang within the confinds of the campground without the big man finding out. The orientation is basically watching a video about inclusion with the song "Little Boxes" in the background. Then kids are seperated by gender in two adjacent rooms and left to their own devices at night with an almost late curfew to walk into their rooms. Some of the kids are kinda creepy and learned they have power to get it on inside the camp, and some actually care about msuic but don't learn anything worthwhile. Whatever happened there stays there. Also their lemonade is super watered down.
P1: What did you do this summer?
P2: I went to Ferrwood Music Camp
P1: You get the chance to smash?
P2: Ew No... I wanted to get better at my instrument but I didn't really learn anything
Also known as "music snowbunny"; A person that only listens to black musicians by the fact that they're black or mixed, even if their music sucks ass.
▪︎They tend to be white people that try to be "unique and different" to another white people while they white as rice.
▪︎They usually fake their accent and background (ex: "yeah so my family been struggling, i ain't got no dad and im from the hood." Type shit)
▪︎ They LOVE saying they have the nword pass when you know they ain't talking to no black people. Extra points: if they try to argue about it and saying why they 'can say it'
▪︎They use expressions as "in my family they'll be dipping in chocolate" just to say they're probably 0,00000001% South african. You're not black brotha get out.
▪︎Same type of people that's obsessed with dreadheads. Extra points: if they have curly hair or thick hair (or both), they describe it like it was black hair, they talk about their "struggles" while their hair is barely like 2c/3a.
▪︎ Ex-swiftie or closet swiftie since they noticed her music sucks ass.
Ex 1:
Person 1: girl you DON'T know what happened the other day
Person 2: ##### again?
Person 1: Yeah! ##### and i were having a conversation about our favorite artist, and the moment i mentioned Dominic Fike he said "idk who's that".
Person 2: So?
Person 1: So i kinda just explained who he was cuz yk, i love Dominic. and the MOMENT i told him he was mixed now he was all interested in him.
Person 2: No way.
Person 1: Yeah. n now you see ##### posting shi about him and calling himself a fan, but he wasn't interested before he knew he was black💀
Person 2: Mf like a snowbunny but for music
Person 1: ONGGGG. A musical snowbunny
Person 1: IK GIRL IK.
Ex 2:
Person 1: you know what's funnier about this dude?
Person 2: what?
Person 1: this mf used to GLAZE Taylor Swift as if his life depended of it, but now he's an "Anti-swifties" acording to him and he likes Kanye. He even said that his opinions about you know who are okay and that he was right with being antisemitic. Like try no not be so obvious you wanna fit in.
Person 2: For real? Nah this bitch crazy. He on some snowbunny shit.
Person 1: The melanin vampire
Person 2: You know they old ladies that date dudes 20 years younger than them? Same shit but instead of sucking their collagen, this mf sucks their melanin.
Bad taste in music, typically what you and your friends blast on a Saturday afternoon. Aka your taste in music.
What do you think of my playlist?
It's crap music.
some made up rumor that there is music that gets you high by listening to it. complete bs.
this guy at the ymca was passed out from getting high by listening to heroine music.
When your friend gurgles a strong liquour in an attempt to impersonate a submarine but instead proceeds to puke into a bowl, the floor, and even the wall before reaching the bathroom.
All this while making a drinking game out of watching high school musical.
David: "Here look at this" *gargles whiskey*
Friend: "ew why would you do that?"
David: "Look I'm a submarine" *gargle gargle*
Friend: ...
David: *Projectile vomits all the way through the corridor to the bathroom*
"Last night David totally did a High School Musical Tactical Puke Deluxe"
Warner Music Group also know as the people who remove all good song s from youtube.
Me: Oh I feel kinda down I think I'll listen to some old Twenty One Pilots songs.
*Searching for Anathema on Youtube "
Me *Slowly fades away*