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Someone who breaks into houses in the ghetto.

Darn, who robbed ya'll? A ninja!

by ThePhonies May 9, 2010


An Error Occurred During Activation

Sorry, ninjas could not be found

by BRICK NINJA April 7, 2021


(N)o (I)ncome, (N)o (J)ob, or (A)ssets

That dude's a ninja.

by pedant5 August 14, 2011


Some blue haired streamer with loads of cash.

"HE'S STREAM SNIPING DUDE!", *reports for having higher ping*.
Guy: what a Ninja.

by iiiCassh November 25, 2018


adj to describe how awesome something/someone is.

-Dude did you see that crash!
- It was so ninja!

by ninja kelly February 5, 2010


a game of aggressive engagement.

in this game you will be hands in at the start of the game and yell ninja and strike a ninja pose. one person will attempt to strike another person's hand with their own. whether you hit or miss, wherever you struck you have to keep your stance where you landed. you may attack or use one move to get out of sticky situations or to get more engaged.

"hey let's go play ninja!"

"omg no last time you hit my thigh on accident & it hurt really bad"

by pizza hoez June 11, 2017


A Ninja is someone who leaves a party or pub/club without telling their friends, all stealth-like (usually because they're tired or drunk and don't want to cop flak for leaving early). This practice can become a common prank between friends, sometimes blowing up into an all-out "Ninja War".

Friend 1: Where'd Beamers go?
Friend 2: Umm, she told me she was going to the bar for another drink. Wait... That was half an hour ago...
Friend 1: Unbelievable, she's done a Ninja again.
Friend 2: That's it, Ninja War declared.

by Beamers202 July 2, 2013