Source Code

Snake River Dam Breaker

When two smaller uncircumcised penises are locked together using their foreskin and a much larger penis is slammed down on them, breaking them apart and causing them all to ejaculate simultaneously.

Me and the homies got way too crazy last night. It all ended with a Snake River Dam Breaker.

by Dawulferine April 18, 2019

Snake Gang

bunch of hardcore aussie gangstas from the realest most decrepit parts of tha hood mf (plympton primary, Adelaide SA) we aint playin gang, ops are shot on sight. dont wanana catch yo ass lackin, slime. Tryna get some, slime.

🐍Snake Gang 4 Lyfe!!🐍

ayo you heard of the notorious snake gang??

yeah mf we snake gang 4 lyfe!! dont wanna catch no ops lacking fool

by keith snake456e7uj k, June 17, 2024

Dusty Snake

The most extreme version of jacking yourself dry

"George, I want a baby" "Well we're not making any tonight honey, I just gave myself a dusty snake"

by spootootoo August 17, 2017

dusty snake

A slang word for your massive cock.

Hey bby would you like to see my dusty snake?

by BigBoi696969 August 3, 2017

tugging the one eyed snake

Jacking off.

Beating the meat.

Jessica: I wanna watch something with you
Tom: you can watch a video I took of me tugging the one eyed snake!

by Whyareyousuchacunt May 29, 2016

snake sucker

(pronounced snAY K ssUK r)
definition: someone who sucks up to snake all the time and acts like besties.

the sucker part is a reference to the way they always suck his dick.

“why us that person in vc with snake?”
“oh, theyre just a *snake sucker.*”

by #heterophobic September 28, 2020

1👍 8👎

sheet snake

Sheet snake: what you call a males penis when he lays between the sheets.

We were just laying, cuddling in the bed when all of the sudden I was bitten by a sheet snake! F

by E - n - M #Q20 April 2, 2020