Descriptive term used to define male homosapiens located in or around the Middle Eastern territories, to identify the first facial characteristic your vision is drawn to
Man #1 What flavor full body Armenian hairsuit did that schnauze donkey have on that complemented his Drakor Noir so beautifully?
Man #2 : oh it was the brand new junior sized full body Armenian hairsuit!
A mid-coitus rear cranial blow to induce vaginismus for increasing the hermetic seal upon the shaft to thusly restrict hydrodynamic semanal flow during orgasm in turn hightening sexual plesure.
Naturally, donkey punch also applies to any pugilisticly caused contrations of the anal sphincter during homo-/hetero- sexual sodomy
"Oh man, when I fucked Karen last night, I donkey punched her so hard that her cunt squeezed like a vise around my cock, and i thought it was going to break off as i nutted in her with such force, i swear i saw her cough up my splooge onto her tooth that got lodged in the wooden headboard"
"Wow thanks, I'm gonna try that when i wreck Bruce in his little bussy tonight"
To punch your partner in the back of the head during sex..and they like it!
I loved it when my boyfriend donkey punched me, I instantly orgasmed.
You bang your GF on the side of the head
Me: Yo i just donkey punched my gf
Friend: whats that
When you hit it from da back and knock that noggin for a loop.
She told me she liked it rough, but she didn't like the donkey punch.
A powerful shot in the game of foosball. A donkey punch is performed by striking the ball with any player on the 5-man bar and cleanly knocking the ball into the opponent's goal. Many times, the donkey punch is executed immediately after entering the ball in play though the ball entry port, but this is not a requirement of the shot. A classic donkey punch is usually struck with extremely high force, resulting in a loud and satisfying goal. Victim of the donkey punch feel instant humiliation and suffer from low self-esteem immediately following the shot.
"Did you see that? Clint just whopped that team in foosball. He finished the game with a donkey punch right up the gut."
To strike one in the head during intercourse.
Yeah I just heard Trevor Baeur donkey punched that bitch.