a synonym for douchebag, but in a more extreme case. Individuals who wear sunglasses at night and use ipads to type term papers. Douche lozenges do not make any attempt to hide their doucheyness and make a point of telling others how much better than you they are since they studied abroad while you were working to pay rent.
Is that dude really wearing a t-shirt that says "i put out" in 2010? ...what a douche lozenge.
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the feeling after receiving a harsh come back or rejection
as larry picks up the phone to call his girlfreind he realizes when it only rings twice that she ignored his call
Larry:Oh my shit, that bitch just side buttoned me
Dick:Douche Chill!
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A person who thinks that they are the most knowledgeable source of information on a particular topic when in reality they don't jackshit about it. This person parades around as an expert on subjects, which by sheer nature of their lack of intelligence, prevents them from ever having the slightest expertise of knowledge about the subject.
That Wayne Greene is a real douche bag because he thinks he knows so much about surgery, when he doesn't even have a medical degree.
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Douche Bin is level 4 of the act of being a douche.
You're A Douche Bin
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A flaming douche, or just a douche is usually a male who finds it necessary to be a jerk. He's a huge player. When in a new habitat, he first preys on the innocent girl who only dates wholesome guys. This way, the other girls will think that he's a great guy. While dating this girl, he will start to ignore her, and he will flirt with others. This will force her to break up with him. Now, all the other girls will feel bad for him, and they will be all over him even most. He will now date more and more girls, and might even use the first girl's bff as a victim.
Most of the time, the flaming douche is a tall guy with light eyes and dark hair. He is a jock, and plays lacrosse and or basketball. He tries to excel in school as well, that way girls can say, "He's an honors student... he can't be a douche bag!" Many times, he will be a rolemodel to other guys who want desperate girls' attention, such as a friend or brother, (the brother doesn't have to be younger; he can be a twin, or older.)
Suspicions can go around that the flaming douche is gay because of the constant need to have a girlfriend, and it is definately possible.
The flaming douche will have somewhat common names, like Anthony, Christopher, Patrick, Thomas, and Lucas.
Over all, the flaming douche is a guy all girls must stay away from, even if he may be cute.
-Ant is a total flaming douche! My sister still has problems trusting guys after dating him! I should so kick his ass!
-Dude, I'm right with ya! He convinced Julie to dump me for him, then he didn't even go out with her!
-Omigod! Pat is suchh a flaming douche! He went out with me, then hooked up with some other girl!
-OMG he's totally a flaming douche!
-Yah, and what's worse is that the girl was my sister!
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Verb: When someone is such a douchebag that they die, go to heaven and then procede to wiggle around in God's Vagina like the stupid cunt sucker he or she is!
Noun: When Someone has reached the limit of douchebaggeryyou may call them this.
Verb: Harry Potter had a douche wiggle this morning and god was never so happy!
Noun: Bob likes to douche wiggle more than is approved by the FDA.
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A baseball bat. Specifically an older bat, kept behind the driver's seat for the sole purpose of beating the fuck out of cracker ass douchebag white boys.
Ey nigga, throw me the douche hammer, im bout to split this bitches shit-
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