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Ass cookie

Soften stool that depicts the look and feel of a cookie.

My stomach hurts so I’m going to go to the bathroom and make an ass cookie.

Wow, my poop looks like a perfect ass cookie.

by MarinaCityBrian December 23, 2018

Ass cookie

Ass cookie is feces, what most people call shit. Ass Cookie is an alternate name for an Asshole Baby since shit comes from asses.

Gina: You're an Asshole Baby, Bill.

Bill: I don't care. You're an Ass Cookie.

Brandon: Same thing.

Ted: That must make me a Butt Nugget?

Gina: Bullseye.

by Box Worm November 25, 2019

Pink Cookie Combo

To lace those pink cookies (the goat) with fentanyl, force feed it to some bitch at your nephew's bar mitzvah, kidnap her, and jack hammer her dead body.

Timmy : This bar mitzvah is so boring, I'm about to pull the Pink Cookie Combo on this girl.
Paul: Timmy don't, my uncle got arrested for trying that with his Boonka.

by pinkcookiecombo May 29, 2024

cold cookies

this means that one individual/group is gay.

josh likes cold cookies”

by j_playz_alot March 3, 2021

Coles Cookies

delirious pieces of heaven that are only $4 so poor people can buy them too

yum look at those coles cookies

by YourCrappyEnglishTeacher March 7, 2019

pocket cookies

The act of sexual intercourse while holding the female’s hair as she hurls in the toilet.

Sarah is in rough shape after all those drinks. I’ll take her back to the room for some pocket cookies.

by optical Dr. February 25, 2024

cookies and cram

When you use a cookie as a butt plug

Schmidt just did a cookies and cram and trained 3 asian males

by Trail of tears March 10, 2019