The Person you Love is a cookie.
Falling in love with them is baking it.
And if you put that cookie into a jar that means you friendzoned that cookie.
Ohh you know that someone is my cookie...
You seem to like her, are you baking a cookie?
So it is like a potato, but better. You can use cookies for a lot of things, like milk, sweets, chocolate, mashed potatoes, ketchup, wedges, clicker games, etc. The list is endless. The cookie is a way of life (and a clicker game that is addicting like drugs).
My friend: What would you like on your pizza?
Me: Cookies.
My friend: (0_0||) okay...
A cookie would constantly guilt-trip you, and make you seem like the bad guy. They act cute and sweet but they’re the seed of evil, never trust a cookie they will take over your life like a parasite.
Some cookies are very cute though, beware this is nothing but a diversion of the messed up shit they’ll do. They are very sensitive too, so do not show them this definition
“They always make me feel bad they’re such a Cookie”
Refering to a strain of weed called Girl Scout Cookie
Yall' blow cookie last night?
Hell yea my nigga that cookie was cracklin'
A cookie is a type of food that you can get by liking a youtubers video or subscribing to them.
"Cookies" on a website is actually data, when you say yes, you say yes to let the website sell your data.
YouTuber: Subscribe now to get a free Cookie.
Viewer: Ight why not?
Website: Do you accept our cookies?
Viewer: Sure, What can go wrong
When markiplier says a random word
for example, hi i am marki..COOKIE!