A self-doting submission to Urban Dictionary, usually under the title of one’s own name, for the sole purpose of stroking the adolescent ego of a budding sociopath.
“Billy spent all of class writing a rambling vanity post, because that’s what happens when your parents tell you you’re so special but also don’t discipline”.
Post-reality is the normalization of the digital age we live in. It is the authentication of our social media lives overlapping what we view as normal. There's no reality without the digital world. We are living in a time when it is common for everyone's public display of their lives to be romanticized -- where fiction is reality and reality is fiction. It's up to you how you perceive it.
We are all living in post-reality.
A blog entry posted on an innocuous topic to distract blog readers from a previously posted blog entry that is causing criticism or dissension. Also used to move previous blog entries down the screen so as to push them off the front page of a blog.
Origin: On 4/25/2008, a post titled "The TSA Puppy Program" was posted on the Transportation Security Administration's blog (blog.tsa.gov). Conjecture in the comments section was that the post, which contained pictures of cute puppies, was intended to distract readers from the vociferous discussions on previous posts regarding such topics as "Safety and Privacy Concerns Regarding the Millimeter Wave Whole Body Imager" (posted 4/24/2008) and "Catch a Wave and Avoid a Pat Down" (posted 4/17/2008). Since that time, posts on the TSA blog which seem to be intended to distract readers from previous contentious dicussions have been called "puppy posts."
The blog staff has posted another puppy post today, this time about chewing gum on airplanes. It's pushed the Constitutional discussion to the next page.
When any little thing happens in a worthless persons life that they have to run and post in FaceSpace or any other social media B.S.
Female or Male Douchebag: (Drops a deuce) 2 mins later.... (On Facebook....) Hey everyone, I just dropped a massive log!
Female or Male Douchebag:(10 mins later from the deuce) Watching the baby takes his/hers first steps... (On Facebook...) Hey, Jr Docuhebag just walked from this couch(pic of couch) to this one(other couch pic) for the first time.
Female or Male Douchebag:(2 mins later from litte DBags first steps on Facebook...) now watching Cops on TV.
Truthful Friend: (Response to postings) Dude/Woman, I think you have OCPID (obsessive come-post-it disorder) you need to get an "F"ing job or a life already and get off the FaceSpace!!!
Refers to da infuriated frustration dat you feel when you observe a messy crimson smear on your hands after successfully dispatching a mosquito, realizing dat said "singing terror" has already "gotten you", and thus you are still destined to suffer an itchy lump in da near future, despite your having eliminated da nasty winged parasite itself.
Knowing that a "loaded" eliminated mosquito will not be producing any additional larvae can somewhat reduce your post-swat "seeing red"... not that one less mosquito will make much difference overall, of course, but at least this particular one won't be laying any eggs inside your house or tent (and thus possibly create an INDOOR infestation of said nasty buggers later on) where it had sneaked into sometime prior to your smacking it.
Post-wank vision helps improve your judgement on relationship decisions when your horny. When you take off the ‘wank goggles’ your mind will be clearer, allowing you to assess relationship decisions based on there true attributes (and not just her fine ass).
Eoghan: *thinks to himself* awwwwww fuck that took way too long. Thank god for twins.
Eoghan text: mate, my post wank vision suggests I should keen this chick around.
Andrew M: nice move mate, all big calls should be made with a clear mind.
What time will I meet you for the McGregor fight?
When someone is posting their face / body online for a multitude of reasons, but usually for the attention of the opposite sex - and usually in a classless manner that detracts from their personality.
Boy 1: I'm seeing this girl a lot recently but she keeps uploading pictures to Instagram like every day, there's always something on show.
Boy 2: She been posting face yeah?
Boy 1: Yeah, she been posting face BAD bro