White cottage cheese looking material caused from yeast fermenting inside vagina that is easily dislodged and can cover a penis during sexual intercourse. It can be odorless/tasteless but it also may have opposite characteristics.
Don't worry about it baby, cunt cheese isn't a big deal it happens. I'll just wash it off and be right back to wipe you down.
That smell when you twist your stud earrings and get a rancid earlobe cheese smell on your fingers
Saying something so stupid it's funny. Usually occurs due to lack of common sense.
I can't believe what David just said! That was cheese stupid
The person who gets caught in the middle, or pulls everything together.
My sister is the cheese in the sandwich in our family.
A cheese pimp is someone who controls and brings around cheese. Giving the cheese to people for money, illegally.
woah?? i should get a cheese pimp so i can get that cheese!!
I’m boutta go do substances with my homie swaggy cheese.
When you’re cheesin’ over a girl and your grill is cheesing. You be grilled cheesing.
Man...you be straight grilled cheese.