Source Code

o bby

An abbreviation for "oh baby." See also: obby

o bby, just got the last armor upgrade, time to wreck some bosses

by Geo1088_ March 28, 2019

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jackass o' clock

time to be a jackass

i'm gonna eat my dads shit

by Robin February 6, 2005

16๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


a queer, or fagot.

some one for enjoys the company of other men in their rectum.

also known as fudge packers, butt pirates, butt budys, black cherry-poppers or just gayfers

man 1: so is randy straight or what?
man 2: oh, no, randy is a queer-o-sexual
man 1: joe owes me $50...

by jAx0r May 3, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of finishing sex with the typical facial with a twist, when the finish comes, the hand is slid over the tip of the penis, cupping the semen as it expells and then reaching back and slapping the recipient across the face as you yell filet-o-fish

This girl was so crazy last week, I gave her the filet-o-fish and she actually enjoyed it

by Dclutch04 July 17, 2010

27๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


a term used to describe one that looks like a fish

Arrianne gave the appearance of lookng like a Fish-o-fillet.

by Eggington June 12, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

blowing an o-ring

When the lips of your anus, which form an "O", stretch to such an extent due to hours on the toilet, the "O" of your anal lips tear. Thus, you have blown your O-Ring, as well as lost your anal virginity.



*Blood and feces proceed to drip into toilet*

by Sustin Ramham March 21, 2015

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man o' livin'

Used in place of saying "Oh my gosh".
Also, used to say you're frustrated or disappointed. Or in
place of a sigh.
Sometimes used in it's shorter version, mano.

Someone cuts you of and you almost hit them- "Man o' livin', that was close!"

Wake up and you don't want to go to work-"mano, mano."

by Manolivin October 7, 2007

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