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Spaghetti Boy

A lame fuck boy, a scrub, hanging out the passenger side of his best friends ride, trying to holla at me.

“Hey Rachel, are you still hanging out with Ross?”

“No, he’s a spaghetti boy who forgot my birthday

by boobguymark October 29, 2017

7👍 1👎

Slicey Boi

A term usually used to describe a sharp object used for self-harm

Examples of a slicey boi include: a knife, razor, etc.

Hey guys I got a new slicey boi today!

by Just Another Human123 December 27, 2022

9👍 1👎

the hoorna boy

Elgin word for ultimate supremacy over the mass population of a specific group of people.

“See that Marley, Beki, Jodie and Ellie? They’re the hoorna boy eh!”

by Hoorna December 24, 2018

7👍 1👎

Grindr Boy

A grindr boy is a homosexual male who was starved of affection and emotional intimacy in his childhood and often resorts to indiscriminate sex with strangers to fill the void. See: me

A: Barack really gets around, if you know what I mean.

B: Oh, totally. Typical grindr boy.

by Marlo Ankar May 19, 2020

11👍 1👎

frat boy

A college kid who thinks he's better than everyone else because he is in a fraternity. Some college kids are frat boys even though they aren't in a fraternity. Frat boy behaviour is typified by drinking shitty beer, hitting on high school girls, making fun of punks, and wearing boring clothes.

Dude, these fucking frat boys came to the show at Bernie's the other night, and they started some shit, but my dudes and I kicked their bitch asses.

by Angus McHootch April 2, 2004

2608👍 1467👎

boy scout

a group of mainly white people that every one thinks is queer but all they do all day is burn shit and cut stuff. most know more then 345 ways to kill you

gangster:boy scouts are fags
boy scout:what nigga
gangster:do somthin
boy scout: ..........
boy scout: gangster rip

by 312camokid June 1, 2009

458👍 241👎

emo boys

Emo was originally used to describe "emotional hardcore" music that was somewhat similar to rock and often had confessional lyrics.
The term "emo" was an abbreviation for "emotional hardcore"before being used to describe those who listened to that type of music.

Emo boys are skinny guys who usually wear dark colors and skinny jeans. Their hair usually covers at least one of their eyes, and some wear eyeliner. They are usually introverted, creative, sensitive to people's feelings and mysterious. Some are just ass-fags. Not all emo boys are "fags" who cry all the time and cut their wrists. Some are bisexual because they're open-minded, but don't flatter yourself and think all LGBTs are just out there to rape you.
They're just people, so of course, every one of them has their own variations and shit.
Emo skaters are the hottest though.

Friend: I will mentally have sex with all the emo boys I see on the street today.

Me: Amen, brotha.

by Pseudo-innocence April 17, 2011

35👍 13👎