When non-Western home-grown—half-baked or partially trialed—vaccines are shunned even by locals, which are often donated or exported at a discounted price to developing countries that can’t afford the “safer” ones produced by the West—the top three countries involved in this vaccine diplomacy game are China, India, and Russia, whose “cheap-and-cheat” vaccines do not exude much confidence among millions of targeted recipients.
Although the Chinese, Indian, or Russian vaccines are offered free of charge to them, millions of people in the developing world refuse to be jabbed, because they know too well that not all vaccines are created equal.
20👍 44👎
To go out of the way to suck up and curry favor with another person, especially to get something you want.
The salesman kissed all four cheeks to get us to buy that television.
a saying from Scott the woz videos it’s a meme now
hey all Scott here wii play do you is that a threat
Romantic comedies (with a few, very few, exceptions.)
42👍 11👎
1. (V.) A phrase meaning that everything is turning out okay. Usually used after you reveal that something really horrible happened, or as sarcasm.
1. "Got in a street fight, with the IRS, and I'm alright, took one to the chest, but I'm fine, It's all coming up roses." - Hedley
37👍 9👎
Some one who thinks they are the greatest.
50👍 14👎