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Jackin' the bean stock

When you are too lazy/tired to take off your girlfriend’s stockings before having sex – so you bust right through them with your fist.

Woman: Hunny I’m too tired to take my stockings off.

Man: That’s ok baby I’ll just jackin' the bean stock you.

by Tinka Parker February 25, 2008

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eggs and beans

A UK term for a person engaged in homosexual activities

"Hey Eggs and beans, give me a reach around"
"No problem Tyrone"

by Beanoooo February 19, 2018

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grean bean

Grean beans are a sacred weapon designed for the lone purpose of bringing the destruction of THOTS.

Home Boy: Hey Fam I spotted a THOT down the block hop in da whip Fam and bring in the heat wit dem grean beans

Tod: I gotchu

by Hucklefucklecuck December 14, 2017

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Bean sandwich

A sand witch you masterbate to aggressively

Jimmy was using the bean sandwich

by Chicken lips13 February 9, 2017

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Slippery bean

When you lube a Latino/Latina's ass so much you can't hold on to it

Hey man I noticed you laying down these bricks. Would you like a slippery bean later?

by Noosemoose August 16, 2017

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beans above the frank

to take one balls and penis and twist them clockwise so that the balls end up above the penis. Great for parties

I was sitting at home bored so I went to the mirror and put the beans above the frank!

by mezkicksass November 16, 2007

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flick my bean

A phrase used when referring to masturbation on a women's end. It's British terminology. Most commonly, this phrase is insinuating external stimulation.

"What are you wearing, baby?" "Nothing at all. I want to flick my bean for you."

by SerialVapist August 5, 2013

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