A round greasy character, with no self motivation in life. He is known to punch his mum and steal money from his nan
In his downtime he likes to sit in the bando and smoke drugs
I wish to never be a Charlie smith in life
A bastard who thinks that he is too good for everyone until they all find out he is gay and like eating ass then rubbing his dick on a kitchen counter.
damn he's acting like a Charlie Standish
The Best bar in the entire world! where everyone in the Valley goes to have a good time.
Its a little bit of everything, Bar, club, Pool hall, Billiards!
Lets go to West Side Charlie's for a bucket of Beer! its 4 for $16.
West Side Charlie's has the best staff around with great service, lets go for your birthday!!! :)
A tasty drink consisting of root beer on ice, filled to the top with heavy cream.
That creamy charlie is a heavy pour dude! That's almost half cream!
Charlie Garcia is a decent rugby player he likes babes a lot and his also a gay guy who likes to slap boys asses and at hockey he is a useless man I don’t know if he could ever make any team in his life
Explain the meaning of chalrie Garcia?
Charlie Garcia is a decent rugby player he likes babes a lot and his also a gay guy who likes to slap boys asses and at hockey he is a useless man I don’t know if he could ever make any team in his life