A football term for when an awful team (Professional, College, or High School level) allows 40+ points while simultaneously scoring less than 20 points.
A: Did you see how bad they lost?
B: Yeah, they totally got college footballed.
this school is quite literally a cage for malays. so many Matreps and YPs thinking they are the shit. Every corner will always have a bunch of guys gathered up either smoking or cussing innocent people out. Back gate is also filled with vapers and smokers. so many nonsence in school of IT too.
hakim: 'eh bro after N lvl i want go ite college west ah'
danial: 'actly eh bro work burger king better ah'
is a system of for-profit technical colleges throughout the southeastern United States. Its parent company is Ancora Education.2
Miller-Motte College is the best.
The way some people with a southern accent tend to say cottage cheese.
Michigander: What's that you've got in that elliptical glass dish?
Georgian: That's just some college cheese!
Michigander: Oh yeah, what university did it come from?
Georgian: No, I mean curds and whey! You know, that stuff Little Miss Muffet was eating while sitting on that tuffet!
Michigander: Oh, you mean cottage cheese!
Georgian: That's what I said, college cheese!
College Georges Charkpak is a shitty middle school in Brindas, Lyon, France with the most stupid people. There are a lot of fights for the stupidest reasons. All those the food there is good don’t be fooled there are hairs on the bread and the yogurt has teeth in it. DON’T GO TO THAT SCHOOL.
College Georges Charpak is the shittiest place you will ever go to.
When you are just too college for everyone else.
Person 1: "I just asked coach if he wants my ketchup bottle"
Person 2: "That's so college"
The school is for downsyndrome rejects that who have no life and are going too have no job. it is for people who have been kicked out of mainstream school for being cunts
‘She goes too seabrooke college, she’s naughty’
‘Be careful, he goes too seabrooke’