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People who think they are better than everyone else

I am so excited for the party only the "cool" kids are allowed to come.

by Saphire loom February 12, 2017



Cool means Ivan

by 1pigman1 February 27, 2021



The definition of cool is ivan

by 1pigman1 February 27, 2021


when you're a chimp and can talk

*You wake up in a chimp's body* You: Cool. Very Cool

by Notsomeone'sname April 22, 2021


Something impressive with (a) barrier/s to entry and potential for profit

A: You code?
B: Yea.
A: Rad, coding's cool.

by PigeonForge December 25, 2022


the word cool is not when you go cut off someone, hate on someone, for no reason. Cool is when you're nice and yourself. You are confident in who you are and you don't flex, not in "luxury restaurant" then *posts on snap chat and Instagram stories. Having confident doesn't mean you're full of yourself, you are also aware of how others feel, and you show that you care and appreciation for them

kimchi: so what happened? Why did she stop talking to you?
Hispanic Sister: well Noah asked her why did she do that for< and she said, "oh, because I think it's cool.

No that's not cool, this is cool;

kimchi: hey you want to have asleep over at my crib?
Hispanic Sister: alright, tomorrow, meet in the yard 5.
kimchi: *hugs a goodbye* cya

by Kimchiiiii October 18, 2019


The guys who larp at Columbia park during the summer.

God those guys larping are so cool

by God, obviously February 26, 2022