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When you get something for free- and it's ridiculous! Can be anything that is free but you find value in it. Could be something stupid like a set of stress balls that look like boobs that you'd win as a door prize.

Val: Did you get that free t shirt with sexual undertones from our vendor??
Scott: Yes! What were they thinking??
Val: I have no clue- but it's free-diculous and I like it!

by Val the Great January 11, 2013

Gluten free JP Special Sauce Sandwich

For all those food critics out there, It is when you get into a 3 Some MFF, you ration your demon seed(Special Sauce) into both of their cockpockets, so that it can be eaten as caviar when both FF 69, whilst you watch. No extra salt needed.

Last night shirely and annie participated in a Gluten free JP Special Sauce Sandwich with your dad, after fisting each other with a prosthetic arm, after dry humping the urn with your mothers ashes. Shirley swallowed, Annie spat it out and then did the dishes. It was a warm summers morning the dew glistened off the leaves, the ambiance of birds and other wild life echos in the valley, you are reminded, your mother was and always will be a titanic whore and the best toilet the german SS ever had.

by JizzalotofAUS December 27, 2023

Free Ballen

Slicing your own testicles and filling the cavity with Tide Pods (or any other object or substance).

“Ey bru, you free ballen tonight?”
Slicing n Dicin’ my brutha. Straight clean like Tide, Son”

by MisAnthroPissed September 23, 2023

Content free

Something, like a glossy presentation, that doesn't actually communicate anything of substance and tends instead to be composed of bland statements with have no real meaning.

I didn't learn anything new from that talk. It seemed to be entirely 'content free', just full of meaningless statements most likely written by consultants

by uncited June 29, 2024

flat free

When you're a baller and all of the women in your lineup have a bra size of C or bigger. You're flat free at that point.

Yo my boy, I heard you're single again and all your numbers are flat free.

by bored321 December 23, 2016

It's a free country

The greatest excuse known to man.

Karen: "P-Please stop beating my child with a baseball bat!"
Sigma male: "It's a free country, I can do whatever I want!"

by headshotcraft June 5, 2022

National Free Shot Day

Anyone who orders a Shot of hard liquor is entitled to a Free Shot of the same on January 14th of any year.

It is National free shot day bro!

by I fly kites January 14, 2024