one of the best gangs of all time, which will always be alive even tho its dead now
"bit gang is so cool", "bit gang=best gang"
The Oobchooblloobs Gang is an exclusive organization/band that releases music ranging from inside jokes to Beethoven parodies. Originally the Achilles Gang, the vowels were replaced with ‘oob’ in 2023 on a FaceTime call. It contains gang names from The Iliad by Homer: Patroclus (patty the daddy), Phooboobnoobx, Tydeus, Odysseus (oobdyssooboobs) and Menelaus (Men the man), to name a few.
The Oobchooblloobs Gang is mortal enemies with the Troobjoobns, led by Hoobctoobr. In our endless battles, the Oobchooblloobs Gang is winning so far. We have a lot of street fighting/singing at night. Join today, and help lead the Oobchooblloobs Gang to victory!
Patty the daddy from the Oobchooblloobs Gang kills Coobbrooboobnoobs from the Troobjoobns.
A word phrase that can be used with any context. Meaning many things in any situation.
Gems kid: on a gang.
Other gems kid: What do you mean you’ve wasted all your money on your heroin addiction.
When to get feels of a gangsta style through listening to music, studying art, watching a movie/drama, and come over gang tripping.
Joe bouncing along the street with music pumping into his ear holes.
As soon as a ruff n tuff tune comes on, Joe is suddenly gang tripping and his pace changes too.
6 gang is a Group of niggas who want there name to be known
Person 1:Do you know what 6 gang is?
Person 2:Yea kinda can you explain more
Person 1:6 Gang is a Group of niggas who want there name to be known
A great server with 0 cheaters and no racism. General chat mains such as bizism and Nirvz are very annoying however there are cool members such as Poeff (poffie) and 0123dtal. To be a true dungeon ganger you must follow rule 7, say n word every day and hate fekzy #FCONBOTTOM #AHMOSIAC
Hey, see that dungeon gang user over there, what a shitter doing secrets before clear!
Shr00ms gang, all the people apart of this gang are sexy hot cute and have too many people trying to have intercourse with them that its sad. The leader Shr00ms 12 is handsome sexy tall and rich.
Yo hes hot is he apart of shr00ms gang.