Apple It's a fucking fruit what do you expect!!! It's red, green or yellow if it's purple it's a fucking plume!
The seeds contain cyanide too so don't be a dead ass retard and eat them like your grandparents eat each other's asses!!!
So what have we learned from this!? That the apple ain't as appetizing anymore is it? Maybe because your thinking of your grandparents fucking. Damn your fucking gross why would you think of that!!!?
No no, you know what!?
Let's stop talking about apples...
Let's talk about you...
Did you look up Apples because your depression is making you feel suicidal and after you feel that way you have slight euphoria and look up dumb shit or are you just stoned?
Either one...
You still looked up what a fucking Apple is.
Hits blunt*
Deadass 1: Bruh what is an Apple????
Tom: Idk bruh let's look it up on your cellular smartphone.
2) A computer system that has much better software than Windows.
1) Apple peels are coated with freaking wax! Who coats a freaking fruit with wax?
2) Apple user: Windows sucks. Windows user: No freaking way you say that. Apple's software is terrible. (Apple user kills Windows user)