when someone sends you some nasty shit online that you did not consent to seeing
you see that fucked up shit alex just sent? idk why he meme raped us
The act of sharing a meme with a specific friend so as not to make them feel left out.
I had to to tag kevin in that post because I was suffering serious meme guilt
A combination of calling any negative emotions as depression to the point of it becoming a meme - and doing nothing with your life other than lay in bed and browse memes to the point of developing actual mild depression symptoms.
- I've been browsing reddit and 9gag for days and I feel so lonely, unproductive and sad. I must be depressed.
-Nah dude, you were fine 3 days ago before you locked inside to browse memes, you just have some Meme Depression. And maybe Internet addiction.
To be used when someone brings up a meme that is no longer trending and/or is old (hence Cold). Can be used to call out when old memes are reposted as 'new' memes.
Dude 1: "Hey watch this video." Shows meme from 2014.
Dude 2: "Yea, I've seen that before. It's a Cold meme bro."
A Special Occasion Held Every December 7 Where We Commemerate The Day Of Dead Memes Being Created
Every Dead Meme Friday We Pay Honor To Tide Pods And Other Dead Memes Too.
A Special Occasion Held Every First Friday Of December Where We Commemerate And Pay Honor To The Dead Memes That We’re Created
At Dead Meme Friday We Pay Honor To Ugandan Knuckles,Tide Pods And Other Memes That Where Dead
Afe Uck a fuck
Mike hwak my cok
Kris Peacock: crispy cock
Afe Uck and othere memes