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n. The smiling, standing coma most adults enter as an enthusiastic ten year old describes his exploits in a video game.

Uh, better get Justin away from Grandma. He's been telling her about Modern Warfare 2 for fifteen minutes and she's gone into a state of game-olepsy.

by Cranky Neighbor July 17, 2010

Immature Game

You Say A Word, Then The Person Who Laughs Is Immature

Joe:'Penis Pump'
TOm: hahahahah

Tom Is The Immautre one as he laughed!! Its A Fun Game (immature game)

by BUmHeADgrsfgf November 17, 2007

Telltale games

Used when you're faced with a hard decision to make and you have to choose no matter what

Person 1: Go to sleep or stay up doing nothing
Person 2: Oh no! Telltale games

by animu69 July 23, 2022

Late game

When a competitive game, that usually ends in early rounds, lasts longer than it should.

OK, let's go late game!

by DaviDDA April 22, 2017

late game

The act of getting a harnessed 0/0 Dart Monkey

lets go epic late game with the 0/0 darm monkey

by 0/0 dart monkey March 4, 2017

Elbow Game

The greatest play in the history. Created by High school basketball coach John Bydook, its sole purpose is to annihilate an opponent within a span of 15 seconds.

“Dude lets run Passing game!”
Nah man, Elbow game is better.”

by fortnitedurr12 February 23, 2022

in game spray

The ability for other players to spray pictures on the walls from funny ones to disgusting furry and hentai sprays. This is common in tf2. If you want to spray something, please be reasonable. Don't spray your gross fetish sprays, no one needs to see them.

I'm going to try out my new nyan cat in game spray.

by annnnonnnnymous October 19, 2011