A phrase little kids use to explain the stuff they find in condoms, your moms ripped bunny dresses, the strange vibrating toys, and on the couch.
Emma! Encontré la white cosa!
A chain gang bang by homosexual men.
They lined up right behind each other, and went right at it in a linked chain assembly of La Cadenita de Amor?
A person(s) who is not white by ethnicity who plays online game "First Class Trouble"
j: "here bro..?"
c: "aye?"
j: "a la gringo"
c: *pissing himself laughing*
The name J-La is a Black American/ Godbody varient of the name "Jayla" of American, Hebrew, Greek and Sanskirt origin. ... It is traditionally a name given to a girl. Jayla means 'God will protect' in Hebrew. In Sanskrit, it translates to 'victory' and in Greek, it means 'to heal'. In the 5% Nation of Gods and Earths I translates to "Justice Love Allah"
Everyone spelled Jayla the same. Do we decide to be creative and spell it J-La
That good good dish consisting of steak sauce, Hellman’s mayonnaise, peanut butter, and anchovies.
As the supreme leader of North Korea was about to execute me, he asked what I would like for my last meal.
I of course requested the Steak Sauce a-la-from.
To perform sexual acts using cream cheese or similar dairy products as a lubricant.
I gave Marie the ol' "frottage a la creme" the other night ... I think she got an infection.
A la Torre is a person who always somehow falls while speedbridging.